Supporting Victims of Domestic Abuse in the Community
With a key driver of Wirral MBC 2020 pledges is to reduce incidence of domestic abuse this event aims to raise awareness of the specialist domestic abuse support services delivered by a number of local Wirral voluntary sector est speakers from local services followed by networking.
We will also be showcasing several good practice case studies and having talks from volunteers who provide face to face support. The event is aimed at any stakeholders with a keen interest in domestic abuse support services on Wirral. Please come along and find out more!
Each service will provide an overview of their delivery model and share some outcomes of their current provision, also identifying key needs for moving forward to support victims of domestic abuse on Wirral.
The event will consist of guest speakers from local services followed by networking. We will also be showcasing several good practice case studies and having talks from volunteers who provide face to face support.
The event is aimed at any stakeholders with a keen interest in domestic abuse support services on Wirral. Please come along and find out more - click here to register
Supporting Victims of Domestic Abuse in the Community:
Thursday 16 March 2017 (14:00 – 17:00)
The Lauries Centre
142 Claughton Road
CH41 6EY