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Rucksack Challenge

The Lauries Rucksack Challenge campaign has led to the donation of more than five hundred rucksacks and bags of essential items to support Wirral’s homeless.

The Lauries, based in Birkenhead, organised the Rucksack Project in partnership with Wirral Chamber of Commerce and the Birkenhead BID to help those sleeping rough on the streets during the freezing winter months.  Businesses from Wirral and further afield, together with the public showed amazing support by donating rucksacks filled with items such as hats, gloves, blankets, together with toiletries and a range of food.

At the presentation at The Lauries on December 6th the items collected were handed over to YMCA Wirral and the Charles Thompson Mission to be used during the months ahead. 

Paula Basnett, speaking on behalf of The Lauries, said, “The response for this initiative has been both brilliant and also very humbling, it has made us all more aware of the work 

which both YMCA Wirral and the Charles Thompson Mission provides throughout the year.  It has also highlighted the amazing generosity and kindness of the business community and the people of Wirral.” 


Nigel Hughes, Chief Executive of YMCA Wirral said, "It is fantastic that businesses and individuals have donated such an amount of items which undoubtedly will be life saving in the months ahead.  It is truly inspiring to know that people can rally together and support those who are in the greatest need.  I would like to thank The Lauries, and its partners, Wirral Chamber of Commerce and the Birkenhead BID, for all the work in supporting the community and turning an idea into such a successful and important reality, and, of course, to everyone who kindly donated items for the rucksacks.”


This view was echoed by Bernie Frost, Centre Manager of the Charles Thompson Mission, who said, “It is reassuring to know that right across Wirral its businesses and its residents have taken time and were prepared to support The Lauries Rucksack Challenge in helping those who are less fortunate.  The amount of items donated has been overwhelming and for those who use the centre there is no doubt it will make a massive impact on their lives.”


Charles Thompson Mission looks to help men and women who are homeless, poor and needy, or out of poverty by providing hot food, clothing, toiletries, other basic essentials, along with much love, care and compassion, dignity and kindness.


Nigel Hughes added, “Staff and volunteers of YMCA Wirral and will be on duty again this year at our Night Shelter which has been operating since 2008 trying to ensure that no one has to survive or even die on the streets.  We look to provide hot meals and a warm place to stay over the Christmas period. Sadly, the number of people using our services has risen, during 2017 YMCA Wirral provided over 3,700 bed nights to people in crisis.”


Paula Basnett, speaking on behalf of The Lauries, said, “The response for this initiative has been both brilliant and also very humbling, it has made us all more aware of the work which both YMCA Wirral and the Charles Thompson Mission provides throughout the year.  It has also highlighted the amazing generosity and kindness of the business community and the people of Wirral.”


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